
Check in(year/month/day)

/ /
night room

Number of people to stay

(Please input the number of people of one room) adult: person
childA: person (Less than primary schoolchild)
childB: person (More than a primary schoolchild)

Room rate

Point Card tell or this HP reservation present point cardPromise low price! Cafe & Resturant BENTEN 新潟京浜ホテル

1-3-15 benten Chuo-ku Niigata city
Tel +81-25-249-1177 Fax +81-25-384-8201



Policy on Protection of Personal Information

The hotel will implement appropriate security and control measures to prevent loss, alteration or divulgence, etc.

Handling of Personal Information in this hotel

1.Collection of personal information, and used

    The use of personal information provided by users of the Website is restricted to the following purposes.

・When making reservation
・Accommodation management

2.Modification, correction, and deletion of registered information

With respect to Personal Information collected by the hotel, if an individual wants to make an inquiry or request correction or deletion thereof, and if he/she submits his/her request to the specified contact, the hotel will respond to such request, after confirming the identity of the individual.

〒950-0901 1-3-15 benten Chuo-ku Niigata city


This hotel will modify, correct, or delete personal information as requested.

〒950-0901 1-3-15 benten Chuo-ku Niigata city